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Fire Walker

           A week ago I had one of the greatest experiences of my life so far. I went to a convention, I didn't know what it was about I was kind of dragged by my mom, but all I can say now to her is thank you! It was amazing, the whole day he was giving us all of his energy, he asked us to dance yell, laugh, Then by the end of the night he kept training us mentally to walk on fire. He talked about walking on fire the whole day but I though he meant in metaphor, but no he meant it literally. So he goes on telling us to think about the finish not about the coals, and to continually repeat "cool moss". 
Finally he tells us to remove our shoes, walk outside (and we did), to where the hot coals were. I, for some reason still didn't believe I was going to walk on hot coals, it was so crowded, six thousand people were outside making line to walk, until I saw the person in front of me go on the coals, and almost no one behind me meaning I was one of the last ones to go. My turn comes around, I see the coals, which was the first thing Anthony told us not to do, because that creates fear inside of us, but there I go screaming "cool moss" and I turn to a lady next to me and I say "No I can't" and she told me "Yes, you can, this is yours own it", I looked up into the stars started to move my feet on to the hot coals, and walked calmly and directly just like Anthony said. I got to the end and two people caught me and spray some water on my feet, they said "You did it, no go celebrate!", and I started to laugh I couldn't believe it, I walked on fire, and all the people were so encouraging. Little kids from 10 years old to older people about 80 years old were walking on the fire. 
So now I am a Fire Walker!